Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Educators deserve an equal share of the revenue.

The average tuition & fees for EMU students for an academic year is $6500.

The average EMU student takes 18 credits an academic year.

$6500/18 = $361 tuition & fees/ credit hour.

The typical class at EMU is 3 credits.

$361*3 = $1083 per class taken

The average class size at EMU is 20 students.

EMU's revenue for the average class is $1080*20 = $21660.

The average pay per credit hour for an Adjunct Lecturer at EMU is $1140.

For a 3 credit class, the Lecturer is paid $1140*3 = $3420.

A Lecturer's compensation for a class is $3420/21660 = 15.8% of EMU's revenue.

Is EMU's portion of what they provide; a room, projector, accreditation, support services worth 84.2% of the revenue?

Without the educator, the services provided by EMU would be meaningless.

The role of educator should be compensated on a 50/50 share of the revenue from classrooms.

EMU should be paying $3610 per credit hour or 50% of the total revenue generated from each class, whichever is greater.

Monday, April 5, 2010

15 things to make the USA even more Awesome.

In no particular Order:

1) Legalize Marijuana.
2) Provide Single Payer Universal Health Care.
3) Reform non-violent prison sentences into community service.
4) Provide free college educations to veterans and volunteers.
5) Radically reform Copyright laws to allow for Net Neutrality.
6) Bring back a light and heavy passenger rail system like Europe's.
7) Make all autos electric powered.
8) Create energy using only wind, solar, geothermal, and waves.
9) Bring all of our troops home from everywhere.
10) Take Tazers away from Cops.
11) End torture and war crimes.
12) End domestic spying on US citizens.
13) Allow strait and LBGT civil unions & take the govt out of marriage.
14) Increase border inspections 1000 fold.
15) End farm and corporate subsidies.

If you want clarification for any of these, let me know.  I'll be happy to talk your ear off.

Adjusting my Tax Programs

After reviewing some of the data I used for my first post, I realized that there were some errors in my understanding of the data.  Because my plan was based on my original understanding and not the correct interpretation, my numbers were in correct.  Currently the the U.S. budget is $3.55 Trillion.  The States total budget is $1.5 Trillion (30% of which comes from the federal government).  So our total budget is $4.3 Trillion.

Total budget (spending) per capita its $13,870.
States budget (spending) only per capita is $2420.
Federal budget (spending) only per capita is $11,450.

Each man woman and child in the U.S. pays an average of $9,000 in taxes and payroll deduction to the government. Each business (35 Million total) in the U.S. pays $12,000 in total taxes, on average. This does not include state taxes.

I think I can cut total spending from $4.3T down to $3.0T, this will cut the total budget by 25% saving Americans $1.3 Trillion.  But I can also refocus spending to still have the things Americans demand:

$1 Trillion to State Spending (with prisons spending mandate: only 10% of budget)
$500 Billion to Defense (Military, NSA, DHS, Border Control)
$500 Billion to Education & Justice (Sciences, Arts, Human & Civil Rights, Courts)
$500 Billion to Commerce and Environment (Infrastructure, Transpt, Agriculture, Energy, Utilities, EPA)
$250 Billion to Universal Health Care (FDA, Dept. Health)
$200 Billion to Pay down Debt (only needed for a few years, until paid off)
$50 Billion to Inspector General & Govt Operations (fraud, waste, & abuse plus salary of elected and appointed public officials)

$3.0 Trillion in total spending.  So now we need to collect $3.0 Trillion in revenue:

The average income for a U.S. worker is $40,000 (including benefits and before taxes).   Therefor a tax of 15% on the workers (18+ and able) of America would generate about $1.2 Trillion total (which is 8% of total U.S. GNI).  We need to make up the difference with a tax on businesses of 12% of total U.S. GNI, thus $1.8 Trillion.

The average business in the U.S. profits $200,000 a year (yes, I know there are outliers, but outliers are captured by the effects of percentage). If we tax the average business 30% we can generate $1.8 Trillion in taxes. Why the heavier "burden" on corporations? There is 1 business for every 10 people. Because the average business consumes about 20 times the amount of natural resources and government resources as an individual does, their actual cost to society is far higher than the actual cost of 10 individuals. Therefor they should be expected to pay more.

15% personal income tax = $1.2 Trillion
30% corporate profit tax = $1.8 Trillion
Total Revenue $3.0 Trillion

Revenue = $3.0 Trillion
Spending = $3.0 Trillion
Deficit = $0.00

This would force the end to all forms of taxes from local, county, and states.  It would also end all tariffs, excise taxes, sin taxes, estate taxes, utility taxes, etc.  Of course, this would be adjusted each year to follow inflation/deflation.

To do this tax & spending plan, I propose a Constitutional Amendment called the Spending, Revenue, Fairness, and Person-hood Amendment.  This amendment will end all earmarks and filibusters (limiting the potential of corruption and grid lock in congress).  It would establish term limits for the federal house and senate (ending the potential for corruption). It would require a balanced budget.  It would define person-hood as only an actual living human being (ending corporate person-hood status). Finally, it would reserve the right to tax to the federal gov't only (as originally intended by the founding fathers; they didn't expect states to start taxing their citizens).

The $1.3 Trillion in cuts from our current $4.3 Trillion budget will come from ending the $700 Billion social security plan (phased out over time so thus that are close to or already retired won't be hurt).  States will now take over the role of providing social services to their retired, elderly and disabled.

Defense spending will be cut by $1.5 Trillion (currently $2 Trillion is spent in National Defense). Of that $1.5 in cuts to defense spending, $600 Billion will be wiped off the books and the remaining $900 Billion will be transferred to other departments and agencies.

Now its edited.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Minority Report

Let us renegotiate the way we treat and discriminate against minors in this country. I always hated the way I was treated when I was younger. Even now that I'm older, I still resent the way I was treated now that I realized there was no good reason for treating me and my peers that way except for the fact of trying to hold onto control of a population group.

  • Change the high school graduation/work/voting age to 15.
By forcing schools to teach the same concepts in a shorter amount of time, 10 years rather than 13 years, this makes students more competitive with other countries. The students can then start college/trade school at 15/16 years old and be in the job market within two-four years.

The decisions of politicians greatly effect the youth. They should have an equal voice under the law.
  • Change the drinking/smoking age to 15.
Why do we criminalize youth for partaking in the things adults do? Studies have proven that anti-sin/abstinence programs don't work; let's educate not mandate the dangers of these life choices. Plus, we'll be able to teach our kids how to respect alcohol before they learn to drive, not after...
  • Change the driving/contract/gambling age to 20.
Teens take more risks when they drive than adults do. Let's raise the driving age and just keep them off the road and alive. This will also lower insurance premiums nation wide. In addition to this, let's ban age premiums and rental bans since minors will no longer be driving. This is a form of age discrimination that is not based on any science. Driving is a privileged, not a right.

The right to enter into a contract should be after a person has had a chance to experience college/trade school/work a bit, thus maybe understanding the issues surrounding a contract or bargain. This can be extended to games of chance; most youth do not understand the risks involved in games of chance, by time their 20, they should be able to understand.
  • Change the military age to 20, and make it compulsory.
Let's allow the youth more time to acquire skills and education before we ask them to die for something they most likely do not understand. After high school, a person will do 5 years of education/training/exploring and then be required to serve for two years in the military. This would make our military about 8 million strong (2 million Sailors, 2 million Soldiers/Marines , 2 million Airmen, 2 million Guardsmen). The military could then take over the role of border patrol, immigration, disaster relief, port authorities and import/export cargo inspections. The current military during peace (war) time is only 1.5 (1) million strong. This would give us the most educated military in the world, the largest in the world and provide an opportunity to do real good-will missions in order to win the hearts and minds of the rest of the world.

  • Change the criminal age to 20.
There is an overwhelming amount of empirical evidence in psychology/psychiatry that the human mind is not completely developed until around 20 years old. The part that develops last is the ability to understand cause and reaction relationships. This means that very few people under the age of 20 realize what effect their actions cause. Their minds have yet to develop well enough to understand the true ramifications of right and wrong. Thus we need to change our penal code to reflect this. How can we send a 15 year old person to prison for years when his/her brain hasn't yet matured enough for him/her to really understand what they did?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

How to Solve the Israeli - Palestinian Crises

How to solve the Israeli - Palestinian Crises:

  1. Force Egypt to give up control and claim of Sinai Peninsula.
  2. Force relocate ALL the Palestinians to Sinai Peninsula (renamed "New Palestine").
  3. Build a heavily fortified Iron Curtain between Israel and New Palestine (similar to North and South Korea's border).
  4. Ask a third party to take control of the Jerusalem's Old City (like the UN or Vatican) in order to protect all religious structures.
  5. Allow both Israel and New Palestine to create and control their own independent, autonomous, secular and democratic government (similar to Japan's and Germany's).
  6. Stop spending foreign aid on either country (except for school supplies, food for civilians, and health care supplies for two years for New Palestine).
It will be a hard sell. Egypt must make huge sacrifices of land and pride, the Palestinians will have to make huge sacrifices of home and heritage. Israel's other neighbors will have to bite their tongue and refuse Palestinian refugees. Israel will have to be compassionate and provide fair market value to Palestinian land owners for their property so the Palestinians can afford to rebuild in New Palestine.

This idea was simple to come up with, but impractical and not possible. However, it is a solution in which no one yet seems to be discussing. Are there any other (hopefully better) solutions?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

1% Fix!

I have a quick fix that will rebound the economy and cost Tax payers nothing:

1) A mandatory moratorium on all foreclosure from now until Jan. 1st, 2010.
2) All loans and lines of credit are automatically reduced to 1% interest.
A) Home/Mobile Home Loans: 1% fixed for 50 years.
B) Car/Boat/RV/etc. Loans: 1%
C) Credit Card Loans: 1%
D) Business Loans: 1%
3) What ever the absolute value of the loans provided at a lender's peak, that lender must continue to lend at least 75% of that (the lender will now have a renewed source of revenue from clients not defaulting on their debt and making payments they previously weren't, thus the lenders can lend this money out). So, if in 2003 a lender lent $100 Million, the lender must lend out $75 Million this year, preferably to business so that business can continue to pay their employees and employees can continue to pay their debts.

Here is how this would work if I only had a $200,000 home loan.
At 6% interest for a 30 years, my monthly payment would be about $1500.
At 1% interest for 50 years, my monthly payment would be about $500.
This would be a $1000 infusion into the economy each month ($12,000/yr).

If there are 100 Million homes out there, and if the U.S. average price of a home is $200,000, then the U.S. could see an influx of $1.2 Trillion into the economy!

Now lets just say my calculations are flawed, which they probably are because I don't know if the U.S. actually has 100 Million homes that have mortgages. I just guesstimated that the average family size is 3 people and being we have a population of about 300 Million, I assumed that each family lives in their own home. I also didn't take into account the number of rented vs. owner occupied housing.

So lets just cut my first figure in half ($1.2 Trillion) and we are still investing $600 Billion into the economy, all of which will be spent at grocery stores, electronic shops, restaurants, car dealerships, and home improvement stores (because Americans, thankfully, are bad savers). This will create more jobs, more income to be spent, even more revenue for businesses, which keeps the cycle spinning.

That's my solution; is it perfect? Probably not; but it make sense to me. What's your solution?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

DC Comics

DC Comics just hit a home run with the Batman movie this summer. But last summer was a bit of a disappointment with Superman. Though I loved it, it seems there were some weeknesses. I don't think it was anyone's fault, but rather an overkill of the Superman icon. Numerous cartoons feature him, Smallville, and 5 comics where he takes a lead. He has experienced brand saturation.

Batman is on the verge of that too. The storylines are getting very complicated and it's driving potentially new comic buyers away. Therefor I have some recomendations:

1) DC should limit themselves to publish only ten comic books.
A) Action Comics: Superman
i. Combines all Superman books into one monthly issue.
B) Detective Comics: Batman
i. Combines all Batman books into one monthly issue.
C) Wonder Woman
D) Aquaman
E) Flash
F) Green Lantern
G) Martian Manhunter
H) Shazam: Captain Marvel
i. Features 'B' team heroes like Green Arrow, Black Canary, Nightwing, Elastic Man, etc.
J) Titans
i. Features all Sidekicks and Jr. heroes, like Robin, Superboy, Cyborg, Beast Boy, etc.

2) Each month DC should publish all ten books. They should also publish one Elseworlds or Graphic Novel that features 'B' characters.

3) Make each issue at least 50 pages, not including ads, and drop prices to $1 per issue. To keep profits at the same level as last year, DC will have to sell about 250 million books. This number will come down based on ad sales, Graphic Novel sales, Elseworld sales, etc. If each comic fan bought all 10 books each month, DC would get $120 a year from a single person. This means DC needs to find 2.1 million customers.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


DC is a game I created back in January of 2006 combining the aspects GeoCaching and DiscGolf. A few of my friends got together to play, but we had a hard time because only one of us had a GPS unit (me). There was a lot of running back and forth between players with the GPS unit. Eventually we got tired of trekking through the snow (Michigan winter) towards each other and we ended up just taking turns tossing the disc almost like a scramble.

We've played a few dozen times since and I require that each player brings their own GPS unit now. The game is much more fun now. I have never shared this online, though I have been meaning to. I have known about geocaching for years and disc golf even longer. I have recently gotten more motivated to share this game with my friends, so here it is...

Official Title: Disc-Cashe (DC)
Official Objective: Throw a disc to a designated coordinate position (a designated object) in as few of throws as possible. The player with the least amount of throws is the winner.
Official Rules:
  1. 19 GPS coordinate are laid out or plotted using immovable or permanent landmarks (trees, statues, buildings, signs, etc.) as the position of the coordinates by the creator of the course prior to the start of the round.
  2. The first coordinate must be made available to the players prior to the start of the round so they can input the data into their GPS units or plot it on their maps.
  3. The coordinates can be in any format the course creator desires as long as he/she shares that information with all the players.
  4. Coordinates can be derived using GPS units, land surveying equipment, GIS software, etc. as long as it is accurate.
  5. The first coordinate will be designated as the course starting point.
  6. Each player must have their own GPS unit (or more traditional method such as a topo map and a compass) to find the direction they need for their next throw.
  7. Each player must have their own disc or set of discs.
  8. To complete a target, the player must hit the target with their disc. Find the Cashe, jot down the new targets coordinate, replace the Cashe as found, and resume play.
  9. The start of each next target is the location of the current target with the exception of the first target.
  10. The player with the fewest throws overall wins.
  11. The minimum score possible is 18. There is no maximum.
  12. Each player must record their own score.
  13. Any disagreement to a player's score will result in each player involved having to buy a drink of buyer's choice for each player involved in the dispute. The player's score will stand as is.
  14. There are no out-of-bounds.
  15. Etiquette will be applied as per traditional golf and disc golf rules and traditions.

I hope you all enjoy my new game. I will post my very first course soon on Eastern Michigan University's campus. Good luck!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Saving the Big Three

In order to save the US auto industry we need to do three things.
  • We need to streamline product lines and how we sell them.
  • We need to shift from petroleum fuels to electric power.
  • We need to streamline our labor costs by downsizing, demanding the government provide Universal Health Care, and relinquish control and collection of pension funds by demanding the federal government privatize social security and allow pension funds to be rolled into the new system.

For example, I think GM should streamline its product line to help save its self from impending doom. Currently it has 12 automobile product lines. They are:
  1. Buick
  2. Cadillac
  3. Chevrolet
  4. Daewoo
  5. GMC
  6. Holden
  8. Opel
  9. Pontiac
  10. Saab
  11. Saturn
  12. Vauxhall
I recommend that GM go down to three product lines:
  1. Truck /Commercial: GMC and HUMMER merge to be HUMMER. The HUMMER line would sell the Van, SUV, full and light size Pick-up Truck, and Commercial / Military Trucks. Prices ranging from $15k-?.
  2. Luxury/Performance: Buick, Saab, Cadillac, and Corvette merge to be Cadillac. The Cadillac line would sell the luxury sedan, coup, roadster, and Corvette. It would also run the motor sports division. Prices ranging from $30k-?.
  3. Economy / Family: Vauxhall, Opel, Pontiac, Holden, Saturn, Daewoo, and Chevrolet merge to be VOCH (Vauxhall, Opel, Chevrolet, Holden - pronounced Vock - because these were once individual companies). The new logo could be a crest with a lion (Holden) and griffin (Vauxhall) on either side of a stone (Opel). The stone's quadrants would be the Swedish bowtie of Chevrolet, a sky of stars for Daewoo, the planet Saturn, and a Native Indian Headdress for Pontiac. The crest would bring an element of class and history to the line. The VOCH line would sell the family sedan, hatchback, wagon, crossover, and minivan. Prices ranging from $15k-$30k.

All three lines would only sell electric vehicles with all wheel drive, OnStar /LoJack /GPS and XM /IPOD type features as standard. They would also limit each line to no more than five models, five colors and three interior colors. Also, financing for zero down, will be no greater than 1% for 5 years (no matter the credit of the buyer) , with a lifetime bumper-bumper warranty. All sticker prices will be mandatory with no option to haggle.

This will attract and get more people into GM autos and allow GM to offer less options, making production faster and cheaper.

GM also has various electronics, parts, financing, and other divisions. GM should spin off these subsidiaries and focus on auto making alone. I would also suggest that GM build factories in every nation it wishes to sell in and have those factories be a start to finish assembly plant (not necessarily a manufacturing plant) that provide all union jobs, employs no one under the age of 18, and is built on a redeveloped brownfield and is as environmentally friendly as possible following the waste hierarchy (reduce, reuse, recycle, and recover).

Shipping partial or completely assembled autos wastes cargo space and can be costly in tariffs and taxes. If smaller parts were shipped to assembly plants from all over the world to each nation's assembly plants, less political pressure, corruption, tariffs, and taxes would be applied because of the jobs the assembly plant would create.

Each dealer would be required to sell all three product lines, thus requiring some dealers to merge with other local dealers. There is no reason there should be 4000 dealers nation wide, yet GM sells almost as many cars and trucks as Toyota, which has 1200 dealers. GM could cut down to 2000 dealers.

I believe the same concepts could be applied to Chrysler and Ford as well. This would allow the US auto industry to survive and again be profitable. Finally, the big three can wave its heavy hand goodbye to the confines of the oil industry. With it's new found might, it could force the federal government to tackle universal health care and take over it's pension funds by rolling it into a privatized social security system.

To summarize:
Streamline the automaker's production line and sales process.
Create Universal Health Care and a privatized Social Security System in which pension funds can be rolled into.
End a vehicle's dependency of petroleum by making it electric and affordable.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Third Parties

I have an idea for all the third parties out there.

Create an Umbrella Party that has no platform. All Third parties will be invited to join; Libertarians, Green, Reform, Constitution, Socialist, Common, Communist, Workers, Black Panther, Independent, etc. All parties would be welcome except Republicans and Democrates.

The sole purpose would be to get a third candidate some serious media attention and a spot in the presidential debates. This will allow third parties to guide the topics of debate and quiet the voices of the special interest groups that run the Republican and Democratic Parties. Also, if the third party candidate got at least 5% of the vote, the Umbrella Party would qualify for federal campaign funding the next election.

How would it be done?

Third parties would not have primaries of their own. All the particpating third party candidates would run under the Umbrella Party ticket. The candidate that receives the most votes during a national on-line primary will be declaired the Umbrella Party's Nominee for President (or Governor if done at a state level). The second place candidate would be the VP nominee even if the Presidet nominee and VP are not of the same ideology.

The 3rd place through 18th places would be promised cabinet level positions. This would strengthen the Umbrella Party's chances of keeping voters that don't see their favorite candidate on the ballot and prevent a scism in the Umbrella Party.

The goal would be to see an Independent in the White House. Someone that would shake things up a bit and force lobbyists and special interest groups to sit this one out.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Honez for (Independent) President 2012

Here is my Independent Platform I will run on:

One. Abolish all Limited Liability laws that protect corporations and businesses. The idea that a corporation is an entity or individual is wrong. To allow this entity a special protection which frees it of liability that a normal individual doesn't receive is not just. If I were to pour large barrel sized amounts of chemicals into my backyard, I would be held liable for my actions and inaction if I failed to tell my spouse about the backyard as she wandered out into it. Why isn't the worker, foreman, manager, CEO personally held responsible when they pour large barrel sized amounts of chemicals into their company's backyards and knowingly allow the community to wander into it or use the water that flows through it. If each were held responsible, the worker would report it to the government for fear of being personally sued or prosecuted for his/her actions. As would all of the others be obedient or law abiding to the law for fear their own life, liberty, and property would be at risk. No one would work for such corporations that weren't responsible thus forcing the company to become just, in order to retain employees.

Two. We should end all trade with all non democratic nations and nations that trade with non democratic nations. The power of trade can be our tool to build democracies around the world. You want to trade with us, then you need to establish legitimate democracies. This would effect our economy also requiring us to shift trade to current democracies or force us to produce no longer available items here in the States creating more jobs. So be it, we should reward countries that are moral and just.

Three. We should demand that all countries that want to do business in the US must employ 75% their workforce with US citizens on US soil, and that 75% of their products/services be made in the US. The only exclusion would be products that have markets because they are foreign, i.e. Columbian coffee, French wines, Angora wool, Dominican cigars, and other luxury items such as Porsche sport cars. This would increase jobs all over the country because now production would move back to the states and "outsourcing" would be minimized.

Four. A Military overhaul. All troops should be brought home with the exception of a thousand troops at each embassy world wide. Being there are about 200 countries this would mean 200,000 deployed troops would be out there. Our military would still embark on rescue missions of Americans, port-of-calls, and very short term nation building (if we're forced to invade and occupy a nation under UN/NATO agreement or true self defense). But no bases would be set up in places like Japan, Saudi Arabia, Germany, etc. In place of these bases we would build super carriers that we could be deployed worldwide and allow us to strike anywhere we needed to (only in self defense or authorized by UN/NATO). In place of all the troops we bring home we increase significantly our spy service in every country. Each embassy would also have a 1000 CIA employees and 1000 foreign services employees, totally 3000 Americans in every country. In order to do this we would have to recognize every country as a sovereign nation and normalize relations with them. Countries that don't allow us to normalize relations would be banned from trading with us. We would also create a doctrine that would forbid us to attack a legitimate democratic country, unless this country would engage in genocide or ethnic cleansing, or threaten the sovereignty of another legitimate democracy. Legitimacy can be established by UN standards and oversight.

The US military would be manned by mandatory service of all men and women 18-21 regardless of potential or economic wealth. Only the severely physically and mentally disabled would be exempt. In addition to current levels of compensation all persons that complete their time in would receive a life time of post secondary education for free. This would create an educated generation that would dominate the world as the post WWII GI Bill recipients and baby boom generation have. Finally, LBGT persons will be allowed to serve in the military free and open with no fear of persecution. However, some rules will have to apply such as what you're born with (or doctors alter into) is what your gender will be designated as during your entire military career. If you're born a man or altered before you join, you will be identified as a male and assigned to male units. Same goes true for women.

Rank would be reorganized in order to do away with the elitist officer corp. No longer will worth and respect be solely based on a college degree. Under this reorganization; loyalty, knowledge, and seniority would be the hallmarks of advancement. There would be a total of 20 ranks. Everyone starts in the first rank and about every two years you're promoted. If you join with a college degree you would automatically be advance to the third rank. A master's would put you into the fifth rank and a PhD would put you into the seventh rank. Time served, loyalty, and military knowledge is what would advance your career, with no limits accept availability. If you don't hit certain benchmarks at certain points in your career, you would be forced out by not being allowed to re-up. After you hit the third rank, you would be allowed to resign your service at any point with no further obligation. Retention won't be an issue because of a mandatory military.

Five. The tax code should be simplified into this: All individuals should be taxed 5% income and 5% of property (land) value. All corporations should be taxed 1% of profits before dividends /shareholders are paid out and 5% of property (land) value. Currently corporations pay less than 0.02%, so this will be a substantial increase. This is why individual taxes can be reduced so much. Organizations will only be categorized as four things: Individual, Governmental, Non-Profit, Corporation. Churches will now fall under corporation if they fail to prove they are worthy of non-profit status. Governmental, and Non-Profit entities will not be taxed or have to pay taxes (however their employees will have to pay taxes if they qualify for the above aforementioned).

States will only be allowed to match what the federal government demands, so the most a person will pay is 10% income tax and 10% property (land) value. Also, if a state in an effort to promote development decides to allow even one business or one individual a recess, discount, break, exemption, etc. that state will have to allow it for all corporations and individuals. So if Michigan wants to allow GM a tax exemption for head quartering in Detroit, then it has to provide that same exemption to all individuals and corporations. Therefor it would be in Michigan's best interests to not provide special allowances.

Six. The tax dollar will be split equally into these new divisions recreated and revamped in order to downsize the government: (see previous Budget blog)
10% to Defense
10% to Social Security
10% to Health Care
10% to Education
10% to Infrastructure
10% to Environment
10% to Research and Development (Arts and Science)
10% to Govt. Operations
20% to Debt and Interest

The new departments would be as follows:
A) Department of Security (10%): This department would be responsible for investigation of federal crimes, enforcement of federal laws and promotion of USA ideology internationally. No longer would there be four services; Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines. There would be just the Armed Forces and members would be Servicemen/women. This would streamline duplicate duties. The department will also include the CIA and Foreign Services. However, these entities would merge as the Foreign Services and Intelligence (FSI). All members would be trained for diplomacy and intelligence gathering. Domestically, the FBI, ATF, SS, DEA, Border Patrol, Customs, INS, US Marshals, National Guards, and Coast Guards would be merged to be the Domestic Security Agency (DSA). Its members would join the DSA and choose their career fields. Rank and pay in both the FSI and DSA would be similar to the Military's rank and pay and service members can leave the military and join the FSI or DSA and keep their rank, as can FSI and DSA agents leave their fields and join the military at the same rank (provided they are fit for the position). These lateral moves would be rare but optional being that the higher the rank you are, the more specialized your knowledge and training become making it hard to fit in another command. Finally the VA would be under this department as well. Vets would have full priority over all gov't positions before any other civilian, however all vets would be treated equal no matter what war or what accomendations they received while in. A vetran that served during peace time deserves as much chance at a gov't job as a vet with war experience. Also the Department of State would be folded into this department.

B) Department of Environment and Health (20%): This would be in control of the universal health care and the FDA, EPA, Agriculture, Energy, Interior, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, FAA. The goal would be to reduce pollution and carbon emissions and provide health care for all US citizens. A healthier earth and population will make for a better America.

C) Department of Economy (40%): This would be in control of the former Labor, Treasury, Trade, Commerce, Federal Reserve, IRS, Operations/Budget and all the sub groups of these former departments.

D) Department of Social Justice (10%): This department would be headed by the Attorney General and would be responsible for Social Security, Human Services, Civil and Human Rights, Consumer Protection, Native American Affairs, FCC (though they would no longer have the power to regulate content, just access), the FEC, and Inspector General (internal affairs).

E) Department of Knowledge (20%): This department would house the Education, arts and sciences, NASA, and be in charge of all federal grants for research and development.

Seven. Immigration and border control should be held very strict. This should be emphasized that it is not a racist, nationalist, ethnocentric or cultural attack. It is to ensure that current Americans are offered the best possible wages due to a "controlled" low supply of workers. This will actually force employers to offer better compensation for jobs which would eliminate the need of a minimum wage.

Borders, shipping ports, and airports need to be strengthened with patrols that are ten times more thorough than they are now. Right now only 5% of all imports are checked by customs, this needs to be over 95%. This will stop the drug flow, human trafficking, and possible other threats such as a terrorist bomb.

We should also ban the education visa altogether of foreigners at our schools. We create a crutch for other countries by allowing them to send their students here to be educated rather than in their own countries. Why build decent schools when you can send them to the States? Also, this will limit the number of foreigners taking elite American jobs such as in the medical and law professions.

Eight. The working poor need to be uplifted and helped. Poverty should be addressed immediately. If immigration isn't checked or is slow to be checked then a cost of living minimum wage of $15/hr should be enforced. No longer would the restaurant and other traditionally tipping dependent jobs allow to pay less than minimum wage. Business owners may have to increase prices 20% to compensate for the wage increase but then their staff wouldn't be treated as poorly by patrons who feel that they are superior to their servers and job retention and satisfaction would improve dramatically.

Also, a 36 hour work week needs to be implemented allowing people to work three 12 hour days. Of course they would get overtime for the additional 4 hours of work over 8 hours each day. This would be mandatory that all professions offer this schedule to all it's employees. Employees could individually opt to work five 8 hour days incurring 4 hours of overtime over the 36 hour mark. This would free up a four day weekend which would help the tourist industry dramatically as well as the home repair/do-it-yourself industries, and save on energy costs in transportation.

Safety and ergonomics at the work place must be improved to prevent the work place injuries that force millions of American to miss work. The higher minimum wage would make less people eligible for welfare thus easing the burden of the government and placing it on businesses. In addition, welfare will only be available to those with mental and physical disabilities who can not work. Being that the job market would open up dramatically from the lack of immigrants, a minimum wage and welfare may become a thing of the past.

Finally, a Universal Job bank needs to be established that allows a one stop shop to view all available jobs nation wide. It will be mandatory that all business and governments posts jobs at this bank which will be linked via Internet and have local offices with hard copies for local postings for those without internet access. It will be search engine based allowing the user to specify no military, no hiring agencies, company name, location, entry level/ experience level, pay scale/benefits, and industry. All aspects would be required for posting and all companies and governments by law would have to post when hiring (though if a candidate was in mind the site would have to state that).

Nine. The government needs to end the practice of litigating marriage. It is a hot topic being that the LBGT community wants the right to marry but that shouldn't be a government issue. It should be a church or religious issue. The government can allow civil unions; allowing couples to take equal ownership of property and responsibility for children. This makes it a contract issue no longer a tradition/religious issue which the government should not be a part of due to separate church and state ideology. This would free the governments hands of the term "marriage". A civil union could then be issued to any two individuals who sought it, regardless of sex, creed, or color. However even with the civil union taxes would be assessed on an individual level rather than as a couple. It would be up to the churches to establish their own rules for "marriage". A couple who wanted to be married would be married by their desired church if they qualified according to their church's rules, and then would seek a civil union from their government in order to join claims on their property and children.

Ten. The government will deregulate all industries minus safety and consumer protection laws and labor organization laws. They will also not be able to bail out any industry. This will force massive competition and reward the business savvy companies.

Eleven. Education will be made mandatory until 18 years old or graduated from high school. Grammar and Secondary schools will be required boarding school style during the week and open campus on the weekends. This will allow schools to hold longer hours of class time, allow parents to work more, and ensure outside sources don't disrupt the learning process (such as the student having to hold a job, crime in the neighborhood, parents never being home due to jobs, social life, or jail). Also, three additional languages to English will be required by graduation: Chinese (Mandarin), Spanish, and French. They are the four most widely spoken languages in the world.

Sports will no longer be organized by the school or school system. This too will be privatized. Local clubs will spring up where the void is made. This will allow schools to sell off their sports facilities to local clubs and organizations which would free them of liability, maintenance and organization of events. If kids want to participate they can do it during their weekends on their own time and not taxed subsidized during school hours. Schools of course would still have physical education and health classes.

The sum of all these programs would give America the educational edge to maintain world dominance in the industrialized world. Summers would still be free for the students, actually extended from the Friday of Memorial Day weekend to the Tuesday after Labor Day. This would allow teachers and students their traditional summers free, it would allow families more time together during the high vacation months, and the extended time would allow more and longer vacations to be taken which would spur the tourist industry.

Twelve. The US should renegotiate the NAFTA treaty. It should change environmental laws to be identical 'permit' based laws for all three countries. It should change labor organization and minimum wage laws to be identical in all three countries. And it should change business and tax law to be identical in all three countries that way only labor supply and weather is a factor when a business wants to move, not environmental short cuts, cheaper labor, better taxes. It encourages companies to stay where they are but allows unrestricted trade with the three countries.

Finally, a common currency for North America similar to the Euro... it can be called the "Amero". This new trade will not only lead to better economy here in the States it will also improve Canada's and Mexico's economy thus decreasing the need to immigrate to the US. Also, all the NAFTA courts and trade disputes hearings and rulings will be open to the public.

Thirteen. Heath Care industry needs some updating, Namely making it universal. Here is a cause that corporate America and socialists may agree on: if the government were to take over the responsibility of health care this would free up the companies obligation and thus increasing revenue for the company allowing it to reinvest this money into new technologies or better return rates for shareholders. The new tax revenues generated from the new income tax laws would provide the government with more than enough to do its typical job plus add the health care burden. Now all people would have access. The health care industry can afford to take this hit because they are over inflated prices due to their intentional actions to keep supply low.

This goes for med schools as well, they keep admissions low on purpose to keep demand for doctors high and their salaries high. By allowing more doctors into the field, they will bring doctor wages in step with world wide wages and increase the number of doctors allowing the doctor to work less hours and get more sleep so less accidents happen in the health field. 90% of all deaths at a hospital could have been prevented by the hospital. Sleep deprivation was a major contributor of this. Another industry change would be medical records. A universal digital record would be mandatory so that you can go to a clinic anywhere in the States and the doctor would have your medical history. This goes for prescription use, preventing abuse and allowing urgent refills when not near home.

Regarding health care, if the rich want extra coverage of course they can purchase it for such things as cosmetic surgery. The rest of America would get the same coverage active military personal get now. This goes the same for mental health, dental care, vision, and prescriptions. Mental health would get a bonus in funding being that we would establish one hospital per county/parish especially devoted to mental health.

Another major bane on the health care industry is obesity and addictions. The obese and addicts will be allowed to spend three months at an obesity and or addiction clinic/camp in order to regain control. Their places of work will have to keep their jobs for them as they do for new parents or military reservists.

Fourteen. Property/patent rights and Research and Development in America is flawed. Companies spend way too much on fruitless efforts. Drug companies are over burdened with the paten process and FDA regulations. First there should be only a one year patent offered on drugs because of their need to save lives. Two, the rate at which they are brought to market needs to be increased as it will save lives. The fact that these companies will no longer hold limited liability ensures that they will produce a safe product... but just in case the FDA can shorten the experimental stage and lengthen the execution stage monitoring (when its brought to market).

For non-drug companies patents and copyrights should also only last one year. Then its a free for all. This will force better competition, more innovated technologies and greater leaps in research. Another huge aspect of this is "information". "Information" should be free no matter what. We need to repeal the Napster ruling and allow all information from online books (i.e. in the case of Google/University of Michigan online library vs. the Publishing Industry), to downloaded music, to downloaded photos/maps, to online art. If you want an actual physical product such as an original album/CD, DVD, book, or painting then you must pay the artist, recorder, publisher, author. But once it is turned into ones and zeros it becomes "information". Thus it should be free. However, you still must give credit and site your sources. Plagiarism will still be illegal. How can you lay claim to ones and zeros? It is like claiming that the human genome should be patented because one company did the work to discover it. These types of laws thwart innovation and competition.

Fifteen. The war on illicit drugs is pointless. We should legalize them, litigate its sale and distribution, and tax it. With the money we make from the tax and what we save by not fighting it, we spend in rehabilitation and education of its dangers. This would decrease the burden on our jails, prisons, police, and courts allowing us to spend that money towards schools and crime PREVENTION.

This goes for prostitution. Make it legal, organize it, litigate it, and tax it. Then we use that tax money to educate about STD'S and the treatment of it. This would decrease human trafficking, decrease our fight against it and the money we spend on sex stings. We could then use these resource to go after child porn and child exploitation.

Sixteen. We need to end all forms of foreign aid and reinvest it into US education and international trade. We have no business in helping other countries unless we are rebuilding them after we have invaded and occupied them. We will help in times of crises by sending crises teams and supplies, but not money. Money corrupts; help builds.

Seventeen. The nation will undergo a truth and reconciliation campaign. Meaning all companies will be required by law to make known exactly what chemicals and how much, good or bad, is put in all its products and what it emits/releases into the environment and what it could emit into the environment if something should fail amongst their safeguards. Companies will also make known all of their records from accounting to consumer research to company salaries to consumer complaints and past litigation with gag agreements. All sins of the past will be made public. Excluded would be trade secrets about their products or future products (i.e. Coca Cola's secret recipe or a GM concept car).

This goes for the government as well. It must release all classified and top secret information (i.e Area 51, chemical testing on troops, who killed JFK, etc) that obviously doesn't threaten national security or the welfare of the military and clandescent officials. Any weapon technology can be excluded; No need for the enemy to know how to make a nuke warhead. Along with this, congress and the senate and any elected or appointed government officials may no longer have closed door sessions unless it is regarding intelligence info.

Eighteen. Smoking will not be allowed anywhere inside a building unless it is a private residency. This will allow employees the freedom from second hand smoke. Also, smoking will not be permited in a 15 foot proximity of a child (under 18) regardless if its on private property or not.

Nineteen. Emanate Domain will be abolished regardless of being justly compensated. Only during declared war and immediately after the war is ended it reverts back to the original owner in the same condition it was taken. Individual's property rights are the essence of legitimate freedom. Only fascist and communism societies take away property.

Twenty. Local governments should be highly encouraged to establish Wi-Fi for their entire municipal free of charge for the residents (paid for by a portion of the 5% property tax). This would decrease the gap between the haves and have-nots of information.

Twenty One. A national ID card will be established; paid for by the federal government, it will act as a pass port, Driver's license, medical card, voter card, and social security card. It will be coded with a yearly head shot photo, DNA, and thumb print. Every year you will be required to renew it with a new picture, birth to death. Privacy advocates have a bogus claim because no information may ever be used by anything but the government, not even companies contracted by the government will have access to it's information. If you commit no crimes then you have nothing to fear. This will allow the government to do instant cenus takings by totaling the number of ID cards issued in each community. At no point will the government be allowed to add or include technology to the card that would allow the holder to be remotely tracked.

Twenty Two. The Electoral College will be disbanded and each vote nation wide will have equal weight. This will help campaign funding not be so expensive. Candidate qualifications for House, Senate, and Presidentcy will be uniform nation wide.

To become a candidate for any federal position you must have .05% of the constituents you will represent sign a ballot recommending you for the position. So if you're to be the president, you need .05% of adult US citizens' signatures. To be a Senator, you'll need .05% of your states adult citizens. To be a Congressman, you'll need .05% of your district's residents' signature. As president, regardless where the signatures come from, you'll be on the ballot nation wide. So even if all your signatures come from Texas, you'll be on the ballot everywhere by federal law.

Also, all ballots will be uniform nation wide and will manually checked and rechecked. This will deter voter fraud and end reader error. The person with the most votes will be declared Elected.

No longer will registration or length of residency be required. With the new Federal IDs a person can go anywhere and vote by showing their Federal ID. However, that person will only be allowed to vote for candidates of that voting precinct in which they are voting. The card will swiped and checked against a federal database that will tell the election worker whether or not that person has voted anywhere in the US that day. If there is disagreement about whether that voter is eligible to vote a proxy ballot can be used and then verified after the election has been closed.

Incarcerated criminals will ot be allowed to vote, but the right to vote will not be stripped for any other reason. Ex-convicts and felons that are out of prison will be allowed to vote.

Twenty Three. All pork barrel spending will end. To do this all "earmarks" of bills will not be allowed. This should save close to $50 billion a year. This money can go to social services such as health care reform.

Twenty Four. Social Security should end and be replaced with a 401(k) like product that everyone must participate in. Why should tax dollars pay for the senior, why not the market value... which creates a bigger pool of assets for Americans to draw from when it's time to retire. It would be a mandatory savings, that came from our employer's taxes (10% of what they pay each employee), not costing the worker a thing, plus we would have a choice of how to invest it thus possible gaining even more income. Finally, we would receive what we earned, not what all the other workers of America put into it. Finally it would be based on how much I worked and not at the whim of budget issues and population changes.

Twenty Five. Protection of the environment must be made immediately. Solar, wind, hydro, biological, and nuclear power must completely replace fossil fuels such as natural gas, coal, and oil. America has enough fields that are swept by wind to generate energy for the whole nation. Also, we could dam some rivers, though this is very invasive to local ecosystems. As is nuclear energy... where do we put its waste? Solar offers an alternative: require every new building, whether private or public, include a large solar panel. Also require buildings less than 75 years old to add a solar panel. All extra energy can be sold back to the grid and made available to areas of the country that need extra power.

With this abundant source of free energy, all cars could be made to be electric, cutting greenhouse gases by 25%.

There are fires through out the world on all the major land fills. These fires result in so much pollution they are worse than entire cities. If we could contain these fires into an energy producing situation it would promote efficiency but pollution would still occur. By putting out these fires we save even more in benefit to local communities. Some scientists believe that by just putting out these fires world wide we could stop 25% the world's carbon emissions.

Live stock waste accounts for another 25% of greenhouse gases. By demanding and subsidizing manure-to-electricity generators on livestock farms we could solve a major problem with groundwater seepage, irrigation pollution, oder reduction, landfill overflow, etc.

Finally Twenty Six. The industrial Prison complex needs to end. By illuminating non-violent drug crimes as crimes, we will almost end the reign of the complex. This may come off as 'soft on crime'. However, crime needs to be punished. There will be a ban on the Death Penalty regardless of the crime. For rape, murder, and torture the punishment should be life. For all other felonies it should be no more than five years. Our goal is for justice, not revenge. There will also be a three strikes and you're away for life.

Prisons will not allow prisoners to work out and get stronger. Cells will only have one prisoner and will be cinder blocked with a secure metal door. A toilet, shower and sink will be in each cell along with a concrete bed, bed roll, blanket and small pillow. Each cell will have a window. Inmates will not have access to television but will have access to books, newspapers, and the possibility of a college degree or technical training. They will also have mental health care and physical health care. Included will be substance abuse and obesity therapy.

For non-violent felonies, a mandatory minimum 1000 hours of community service will be required. No prison time unless failure to do your 1000 hours in the allotted time. The 1000 hours will not interfere with a 36 hour work week, therefor a person can work their job and still do their 1000 hours (20hrs/week for 50 weeks).

There will be no parole. Once free, you are a free person, unless you commit another felony.

Monday, June 30, 2008

A Better Federal Budget

So with the tentative approval of Federal Budget and a State Budget here in Michigan, it got me thinking. Why 3.1 Trillion dollars for a Federal Budget? Currently Federal Receipts are about 2.5 Trillion dollars:

$370 Billion from corporate tax
$1.16 Trillion from individual tax
$870 Billion is Soc.Sec. tax
$163 Billion in other taxes, fee, and fines

I suggest we revamp what we collect:

$500 Billion in corporate taxes
$250 Billion in individual taxes
$250 Billion in other fees and fines
$1 Trillion Total Revenue

This total would be 1 Trillion dollars in collected receipts. Corporate America would be paying more and individuals would be paying less. However, Corporate America only pays 0.0123% of revenues in taxes anyway, whereas the individual pays 21% of their revenue.

Under my plan Corporate America would still only be paying 0.0166% of their revenues. And the individual would be paying about 5%. Now keep in mind, Corporate America would be picking up the bill for Social Security now.

This is how we would divide the 1 Trillion dollars:

10% to Defense
10% to Social Security
10% to Health Care
10% to Education
10% to Infrastructure
10% to Environment
10% to Research and Development (Arts and Science)
20% to Debt and Interest
10% to Govt. Operations
100% Total!

Yes, there will be major govt cut backs. And every year we will raise taxes and the budget the rate of inflation so that we can keep up with the economy. This will prevent waste because we won't be able to afford spending money on war, foreign aid, earmark pork, etc. In a later blog I will discuss how to revamp the govt in order to cut the budget, increase national security, end pollution, end poverty, and increase employment. Stay tuned.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

A True Economic Stimulus Plan

There are 75 Million Owner Occupied Households in the US. (US Census)
$12 Trillion in outstanding home loans. (Forbes)
Average outstanding home loans per owner occupied household is $160K.

Of the home loans that are high risk subprime loans; If we lowered their rates to a fixed 5% from their typical ARM 10%, homeowners would see a monthly payment of about $850 rather than $1400.

That's a stimulus check of $550 each month or $6600/yr.

If a homeowner had good credit and already had a fixed 6% rate, they pay monthly $960. This new plan saves them $110/month or $1320/yr.

7% of outstanding home loans are high risk subprime loans or ARMs of 10% (5,250,000). (Forbes)
$6600 x 5,250,000 = $34,650,000,000
$1320 x 69,750,000 = $92,070,000,000
Total = $126,720,000,000

This is $25 Billion shy of what the federal government would pay out, but this would solve the economic problem of subprime loans and end foreclosures. Also, it help those that really need it, the homeowners. It would punish those that cheated the system: the subprime lenders or predatory lenders, but not enough to bankrupt them.

It would cost the government zero dollars, money they could put towards education which also stimulates the economy. Every $1 spent in education equals a $5 growth in the economy (US Dept of Education). No other economic investment can say this, not spending in social services, health care, military, or even infrastructure spending.

So if the government spent the $150 Billion towards education it would stimulate the economy by $750 Billion. Add this to the $127 Billion from making all mortgages a fixed 5% and we have a $876 Billion economic stimulus plan.

The 5% law would only benefit existing mortgages and those in the foreclosure process. All new mortgages from the day the law is enacted would be subject to market rates. This would teach lenders that proper risk management is crucial. It wouldn't be a bail out because no money would go from the government's hand to the lender or the homeowners. It would protect the true victims: the homeowners. It would also free up the courts and counties from foreclosure deliberations and sales.

Land, property, and home ownership are the indicators of wealth. They provide collateral and equity for the owner in order to establish credit and achieve greater wealth. The 5% law would prevent the recently acquired wealth of the poor and working class from shifting back to the upper class and rich through the purchase of foreclosed deeds.

This plan will work if Congress was brave enough to push it through.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Windy Economics, Energy, and Entertainment

One way to solve USA's economic crisis:

  • US consumes 25% of world energy needs.
  • World energy needs are 16 Terawatts per year.
  • US uses 4 Terawatts per year.
  • 1 Terawatt equals 1 million Megawatts.
  • A wind turbine creates 5 Megawatts of power.
  • Wind turbines only work 1/3rd of the time.
  • 3 turbines are needed for constant 5 Mw.
  • 3 million wind turbines equal 5 Tw.
  • One turbine costs $2 million.
  • One turbine needs 2 acres.
  • 6 million acres (9375 sq miles) needed.
  • 9375 sq mi is about the size of Vermont or New Hampshire.
  • $6 Trillion for total cost of needed turbines.
  • Cost of Iraq War thus far: $0.5 trillion allocated.
  • Cost of Iraq War on economy $3  trillion in lost GDP.
  • Length of war is five years thus far.
  • Ten years will make it $6 trillion.
If the US devoted it's windy off shore for floating wind turbines, the US could generate 20 times what we would need as an entire nation.

With all the super cheap electricity, we can turn off our coal plants. We can provide free electricity to US residents and businesses. This would encourage business to relocate to the US for free energy. More business means more jobs.

We can sell all the remaining energy to other nations. This would also allow us to wean off of foreign oil. Oil is too valuable as a raw material commodity than it is as fuel anyway. Thus, we win! The environment wins! The economy wins! So, what's stopping us?

The current power companies and current oil companies are stuck in Status Quo. To help them buck the habits of old, we will provide them tax breaks that encourages a rapid transition into wind energy. Being energy will be free to US residents and businesses, the government will contract out the distribution and maintenance of the free energy and it's international management of energy sales to the lowest bidding firms, county by county.

Also, if we finally allow power companies to sell TV and Internet service via their power lines as they do in many nations then cable, phone, and satellite should not hold a monopoly over the distribution of data. These three services have lower penetration rates as do power lines into all parts of our nation. So, not only will we get free energy, but we'll get cheaper Internet and TV services.  That's what an be the incentive for power companies to build turbines.

Finally, if instead of war, in 2003, we vowed to wean US off foreign oil, by 2013 we could have.  We still can if we vow to do it today and end the war now. In 2018 we could rid the world off 25% of its carbon pollution and end many wars over energy.